Eruptions in Eyjafjallajökull

Jökulhlaup or outburst flood.
According to, the Eyjafjallajökull volcano erupted in the year 920 for the first time. The second time was 1612 and then again 1821 to 1823. That was a pretty long eruption and it caused jökulhlaup or outburst flood, which is a kind of water from a sub glacial. It gets pretty big most of the time and can be dangerous if people do not go carefully. Last time when Eyjafjallajökull erupted was in 2010. It erupted twice that year. The first eruption was on March 20th. 500 people had to leave their homes for many days because they lived too close to the volcano and there was a lot of ash. The second eruption was on April 14th.  That eruption was ten to twenty times more powerful than the former eruption. It was a pretty hard time in Iceland in 2-3 months. People had to help each other and people far away came and helped. Aid agency helped families that had to move out of their houses and people from other towns came and helped the farmers to save their animals. Although it is dangerous to live next to the volcano, I understand the people. Most of them that live there are farmers and the area they have is very nice and beautiful. Families have lived on the land for many generations. Farming is basically their job, making their food, farming their land and selling food and animals to stores and people. They also sell wool to people so they can make gloves, sweaters and socks out of it for the wintertime. Even though it is dangerous that they live there, I am happy about it because if they were not there, a lot of things  would be missing.

My dad and friends.

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